Hi, I'm Noël. I am a front-end modules designer / developer. And here is my playground or so-called personal
laboratory named Black Tool Box Laboratory (BTB Lab.). The purpose of establishment for BTB Lab. is keeping
training my coding and design skills or for some experimental programing. Mostly they are made for help myself
to develop in the future, and I published them to NPM too. So there will be my pleasure if they are helpful to
you to use or develop. And for now I have three part components of them: JavaScript, React and Vue. When you use
them, please be free to contact me by E-mail: vannoel@cogman.org for any problem you met, idea or
suggestion you have.
Now I owned a company Cogman Ltd. to provide service of all arounding software
development, including development and team building consultant. Contact me, if you have any needs.

Some useful feature are developed as prototype which based on JavaScript only. We can utilize them like class.

UI modules totally based on React. Now our components are made with v16+.

UI modules totally based on Vue. Now our components are made with vue3.

UI modules with Angular. It is planned to be done its demo website some day in the future.